Saturday, May 15, 2010

Goal of Christian Counsling - Dr. Larry Crabb

The goals of counseling are as varied as there are theories, models, methods, and counselors. Secular counselors tend to lean towards the goal of making the client happy. That is why the client is in their office. They want to feel good and be happy. According to Dr. Larry Crabb (1977) ‘there is nothing wrong with wanting to be happy” (p. 20). However, he goes on to remind us that a self-absorbed preoccupation with personal happiness can be an obstacle to finding profound, enduring joy. Therefore, Crabb’s goal of counseling is found in a biblical route to the joy found at the right hand of God, abiding in His boundless love. His goal leads to spiritual maturity. Crabb breaks down his goal in two parts. The over goal is responding to problem circumstances biblically or in obedience to God’s will. Responding in biblical obedience changes problem behavior but this is not enough. Counselors must work to change attitudes, change thinking, and create an atmosphere where clients can renew their mind. This is the up goal. The over goal is an external movement. The up goal however is an inward renewal and transformation.

Crabb, L. J. (1977). Effective Biblical Counseling: A Model for Helping Caring Christians Become Capable Counselors. Grand Rapids, Mi: Zondervan.

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