Monday, May 17, 2010

Bedtime -

Through studying for the night. Tomorrow have to turn these notes into a paper for my Theology and Spirituality in Counseling class. It is difficult to wittle down a book into a 2 - 3 page summary.

Father, thank you for the blessings of this day. As usual you have been truly awesome. Thanks for my daughter and the coloring page she gave me tonight. It is wonderful to see my 17 year old daughter find joy in a coloring page designed for a pre-schooler. She is so grown up most of the time, it is nice to have her crawl up in my lap because she knows that she is still moma's baby. I know when I am troubled, I will lay down and picture myself lying in the palms your hands. It is an awesome feeling. I hope she always finds that kind of security in your arms and in your love. I love you. Good night, I look forward tomorrow and our first meeting of the day.

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